
Jasmine is our loyal, funny,happy and sociable girl who greets everyone with a waggy tail and wet kisses.

She adores our grandchildren and is so gentle around them. When with other dogs she is very playful and when around puppies her maternal instincts kick in proving her to be a great role model. Jasmine’s coat is a soft wavy fleece with no shedding which is perfect with me having allergies. She is our foundation girl, her first litter of puppies were simply outstanding and she turned out to be the most amazing mum.

NameWillowbrook Princess Jasmine (Jasmine)
Registration numberWALA  00052149
HeightMedium 17”
Weight12.5 Kg/ 27.5 lbs
HealthTested for PRA, VWD, EIC, IC. DM and many more.
HipsBVA 10
ElbowsBVA 0/0
Genotypeat/aw, B/B, e/e, KB/KY
FurnishingsF/F clear

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If you feel you need more information that you cannot find on our website then either please complete the form below, detailing your query, or simply give us a call.

South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Phone: 07835223915
Email: jo@willowbrooksaustraliandoodles.co.uk

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